If the goods you receive are deemed damaged or you receive an item other than what you ordered, let us know within 7 days of receipt and we'll send you a return shipping label. You can return the full case with the retail packaging unopened and we'll offer you a full credit, refund, or exchange.
If you just decide you don't want an item for whatever reason, you can return the full case with the retail packaging unopened within 7 days of receipt in exchange for goods of equal or greater value (in which case you'll be invoiced for any difference) or you can request a credit or refund on the cost of goods minus a 20% restocking fee.
Partial cases or merchandise that's had its retail packaging opened cannot be returned or exchanged for any reason. All return requests must be made within 7 days of receipt. Requests made after that point will not be approved for any reason.
Please remember all returned merchandise must be new (never been used) and in its original carton with all the packing materials. Items must be new and never opened. Once it is out of the packaging, it is unsellable to us, and cannot be returned. We will not accept, printed, embroidered, dirty, washed or used products. All exchanges are subject to the final approval of our quality control division.
Customer is responsible for shipping fees for exchanges.
Please call us (973) 554 1650 or email us at info@wholesaleuniforms4school.com for return instructions.
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